So two more days until I can take a HPT. But, to be honest, I don’t think that will be necessary. I just do not think I am pregnant. Part of that is self-protection, so I don’t get my hopes up and then dashed — like last time. Or like the last forty straight months, but who’s counting, right?!
I don’t feel pregnant. I am tired, craving chocolate and extra-super-irritated. I was known as Ms. Cranky Pants around the house this weekend.
I am sort of…what? Resigned to? Accepting of? Sort-of-maybe-okay-with…going back east for a friend’s wedding and a family visit, and not being pregnant while doing so. Of course I was totally hoping we would have good news to share with BeBop’s family, even though it would have been so early, since we rarely see them in person, we probably would have spilled the beans. I just don’t see that happening, unfortunately.
And of course, of course, I have plans to see not one but TWO very pregnant friends! AT THE SAME TIME! Kill me now.
I have been trying to get knocked up for so long that I have seen many of my friends have kids. Many of these women have actually had TWO kids in the span of time we’ve been trying for one. I’ve thrown a bajillion baby showers. I have tried time and time again to be happy for their good fortune (and I am!) but still, when you’re knee-deep in the freakish fun house of infertility, it’s always hard to be around the beautiful pregnant ladies.
Am I right? Do you feel me??
I have done a lot of personal work around this whole issue of having people close to me get pregnant and have babies over the last few years. After hosting back-to-back baby showers that almost killed me I was so depressed and dejected, I just had to come to terms with the whole notion of being truly thrilled for my friends. I had to focus on the fact that I loved them and felt genuinely happy for them. And that their fortune did not equal more unhappiness for us, as if there was a limited supply of babies and one for them meant one less for me.
I had nightmarish visions of just cracking under the pressure and running screaming from a baby shower, all dressed in white with really cute shoes, just after the salad but before the cake, clutching a stuffed animal that was a gift and shrieking: you stole my baby you BITCH, that one was MIIIIIIINE!!!! AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!
Luckily, for the most part I kept it together and really tried to focus on my friends’ happiness.
But still. STILL.
Sometimes it just freaking sucks.
Okay, switching gears here. Let’s move on.
Since self-pity hour just ended, I am happy to report that my mother attended one of her conspiracy conferences over the weekend. What a joy it must have been to sit in a room for hours on end hearing about the bird flu pandemic and the tsunami-causing meteor heading our way and the imminent market crash. It makes for such fun dinner time conversation!
Oh, and if this blog is suddenly pulled without notice…you’ll know why…{insert dramatic theme music here.}
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