[Takes a deep breath.]
I did NOT want to blog about this. I so did not. I wanted to keep skating along the surface of this little project, by writing about pickle cravings and gaining weight at an alarming pace and telling shocking-but-true stories about my Mom.
But then I realized I wasn’t being true to myself, or the reason I started this blog in the first place, which was to honestly chronicle my experiences with trying to get pregnant.
When I started this blog over a year ago, the idea of actually being pregnant seemed so remote. As in, I could get pregnant or go to the Moon or win a Tony for starring on Broadway. SURE. Any of those things was just as likely to occur.
Once I got pregnant, I found myself unwilling (unable?) to talk about some of the stress and anxiety I was feeling.
Some of that was, of course, wanting to avoid hurting or offending those of you still in the IF trenches. I guess I thought it was somehow okay to complain about morning sickness or fatigue, but anything deeper or more dramatic than that would be like a slap in the face of someone wanting nothing more than to be pregnant, nauseous and exhausted all of the time.
So my posts have been superficial, smart-assey and, of late, not a true reflection of what I’m going through.
Here goes one piece of this puzzle, one of the things I haven’t wanted to discuss in the last couple of weeks: the results of my NT scan.
Remember when I wrote, in a rather off-handed way, I thought that everything was okay, but that I hadn’t gotten the official results back yet?
Um, yeah.
[Note to self: Do not be an asshole. Also? Do not be so cavalier about this pre-natal testing business. It is not for the faint of heart, so just be prepared. For anything.]
Twin A came back in the ‘increased risk’ category for Down’s.
No one wants to see that piece of paper with the box encircled by dashed lines containing the words, INCREASED RISK.
To be more specific, my risk is 1:286. This is based on my maternal age (so kindly referred to as ‘advanced’ at 39), the NT measurement from the scan(2.4mm) and the blood work.
It did not factor in that we did PGD, which is reportedly 90-95% accurate.
According to the genetics specialist I spoke with, the average result for a 39 year old woman is 1:112 and the cut-off for ‘normal’ is 1:300. So my result of 1:286 is so, so close to being in that ‘normal’ range.
So close to not seeing those words ‘increased risk,’ but not close enough.
I folded the test results in half and stuck them in a file labeled, appropriately, ‘test results.’ But that was supposed to be for MY test results, not the babies’. For all those reams of paper from the last five years and our IVF cycle and my silly killer cell tests that keep coming back elevated that don’t really worry me.
BeBop and I spoke of what the numbers mean, but it was almost impossible for us to wrap our minds around what they signify.
That’s what, less than 1/2 a percent? Never been good at math. And it’s not factoring in that we did PGD! But if someone said you had a 1 in 286 chance of winning the lottery, wouldn’t you be sort of happy, like thinking those were kinda good odds? So is it good news, or sort of bad, scary news? How the frick am I supposed to know!?
So we went round and round, and then spoke with the genetics specialist at Dr. Z’s office and my OB. Both of whom, in general, reassured us that this was not really something to worry about.
Unless we were worried about it.
In the end, we decided against doing the amnio. If my odds were worse or my overall sense of anxiety was higher, I would do it. If we hadn’t done the PGD I would do it. If I felt I needed the peace of mind to get me through the remainder of my pregnancy, I would go ahead.
But I think I’m okay. I could still change my mind, I’m only 16w3d today.
Mostly, I’m fine now. I think everything will be fine. I think we’ll be able to face whatever comes our way. But I do have my freak out moments, when I bring up the topic again and talk to BeBop about it.
My gut tells me it’s okay. My gut tells me not to do the amnio. But it’s hard. And scary.
And honestly, I wasn’t sure what to write or how to write it. For those of you who have recently faced such issues and wrote about them on your blogs, reading about your experiences has helped me tremendously, which is another reason why I decided to stop pussing out and just blog about the goddamn thing.
But beware, this probably opened the floodgates and now, instead of writing about my Bigfoot-like facial hair problems or my dog or how my Mom rubbed sacred ash from India on my sister’s newborn baby’s head (which caused a RASH, by the way!) this will probably devolve into a neurotic, fear-laden blog replete with hand-wringing and indecision and anxiety attacks galore and tons and tons of self-pity.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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