I swear to CHRIST you better look at that camera and smile or I will squeeze the very life from you!
Hmmmmmm…I finally have some hair and they insist in sticking this totally stupid-looking bow thing on my head. What trouble can I get into to punish them?
If I close my eyes and wish hard enough I will devise the perfect plan to aggravate and terrify my Mommy while also inflicting some kind of pain on my brother. Mwah hah hah….
No photos please, I refuse to sign a release…give me that camera you damn paparazzo!
I could eat fresh strawberries and bask in the sunlight streaming in through the window all day long, until, that is, my sister sneaks up behind me and bashes me in the head with some heavy object, scratches me with her freakishly long nails, runs over my feet with her push cart or ALL of the above!
(All Mommas out there, HOLLAH. Have you, like, been here a million times or what??)
OHJESUSCHRIST just forget the goddamn photo and get me a glass of Sangria already!
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