I’m Back, Bitches

JESUS CHRIST I've missed you people!

I have to be honest, I never intended that suck-ass excuse for a post I wrote in February to be my last.

I swear!

I was going to be all, oh waaaa, I can't be a Mommy blogger, no time, blah blah blah (which I did) and then you would be all, No! We can tolerate your crazy stories and often eye-searingly poor grammar (which you did) and I'd be all, OH SHUCKS, okay. I'll keep writing!  (Which I did not.)

Holy fuck where does the time go?

Who's out there?  Has everyone deserted me to log on to Twitter and Facebook all day? 

Don't you want to hear how I cut my hair off? (Not, like, ALL of it.  I just decided to opt for the Mom Bob.)

What about the fact that BeBop STILL hasn't found a job?  And now I have to distinguish him (the au pair I'm married to) from the au pair we hired to move in with us and watch the twins? OH!  I now have an au pair!

How about updates from the Wild and Crazy World of Jackson and Parker? Huh?


Hello?  Is this thing on?


  1. Watson!!!!
    I want to hear it all. Get writing. . .

  2. Melissa says:

    Glad you’re back!

  3. Yay! I knew I kept checking back for a reason! 🙂 Pictures? Pretty please?

  4. so glad I kept you in my Google reader! YEA!
    This thing is ON!

  5. We’re here, get writing damn-it!!! We wanna know EVERYTHING!!

  6. I’m still here! Baby and all! Glad to see you are back!!!

  7. Hooray! So glad to see you.

  8. Yes please! All of it!

  9. omg! i am so happy to hear from you. i got all my hair cut off too. i look like mary lou retton in the eighties and is not pretty.
    please post an update, BI-YATCH

  10. Welcome back, Girlie. G’head and spill.

  11. It’s on! It’s on!!!!
    I want to hear it all! WITH PICTURES. DUH!
    Welcome back.
    (I said welcome back, now stay back!)

  12. Holy crap…you are alive..and two posts in 2 days? That’s some crazy productivity! Au pair…fancy.

  13. HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Don’t just tease us! Tell me more!!!!

  15. Yay! and great pics.

  16. Welcome back!!!! I’m so glad you’ve returned, funny as ever!!

  17. So happy you are back!

  18. Back to IVF and back to your blog. Funny as always….try to grace us more often with Words from Watson. The Kidlets are gorgeous.

  19. Its really great to hear from you again..

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